Pharoah's magics and Theists

From: Peter Metcalfe <>
Date: Thu, 05 Sep 1996 20:45:10 +1200

Joerg Baumgartner:

>The secret behind the Pharaoh's power is that every single subject kingdom
>or whatever owes allegiance due to a special feat Belintar performed when
>he entered the land (i.e. between 1313 and 1318). This explains his unability
>to establish a permanent hold over the Ditali better than all the talk of
>militarily inept Esrolites. The Pharaoh has no sovereignty powers outside
>of his Holy Country. He could not have conquered and held the Newcoast ports
>even with full support from the Ludoch. His magics would not have held.

So? The Pharaoh can evolve new magics or assume old ones to rule those lands which he has conquered. Otherwise the Red Emperor (and the Emperors of Dara Happa before him) would have never been able to extend his rule beyond the Ten Cities of Murharzarm. But they do so quite happily. The Pharoah could for instance crown himself the Archduke of Slontos if he ever conquered the Manirian Coast.

Robert McArthur:

Wonders what percentage of the population are intiates or higher in a cult in Genertela as of 1620. First some comments about my reply:

  1. Cults which require Shamans as their religious functionaries, are not considered to be theistic cults here.
  2. I'm only considering the adult human population here. It is possible for a child to become a member of Voria or Voriof, but attempting to decide whether they are initiates or lay members is too much trouble.
  3. I don't have any census in front of me so I'm only identfying groups which are theistic. Any bean counter worth his salt should be able to calculate the percentages with this information (and the census).


Is 90 to 95% theistic IMO. The remainder are the Rokari in Heortland and the Marcher Barons as well as the People Whom God Forgot.

>Peloria (separate?)

Close to totally theistic. The major non-theistic groups are the Viziers of the Western Reaches, the Balazaarings and the Eolians. Although there are mystic cults which were introduced by Sheng Seleris (they deny it), I would consider beginners in these cults to be theists.


Three regions here. Kralorela proper has no theists save for visitors in Wanzow Province. Bliss in Ignorance is mostly theist with a tiny ruling class praticing mysticism. The Hsunchen in the Shan Shan practice IMO a weird motley of animism and (substandard) kralori mysticism.


The only groups that practice theism here are the Syranoran Orlanthi, the Janubian City States and the Kingdom of War. Loskalm and Junora are Malkioni whereas the Hsunchen are mostly spirit worshippers.


The only theistic group here is the Pirates of Ginorth. Everybody else belongs to the See of Leplain or the Church of Arolanit.


The East Wilds are a mixture of Theistic Orlanthi with some Hsunchen. The Safelstrans have a large minority of people who are henotheists (the dictionary definition - this is *not* the same thing as belonging to the Henotheist Church. It is perfectly possible to be a henotheist yet think Archbishop Surantyr is a complete prick frex).


The Kingdom of Teshnos is theistic with some mystical elements. The Hsunchen are not.

>Pent and Prax

A mixture of theism and anismism.

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