Lunar Tax Policy

Date: Fri, 13 Sep 1996 00:40:22 -0400

An Alternative to Centralized Tax Collection Irrippi Ontor Tax Policy Institute

Security Clearance: Level 2
Document Location: Glamour - Irrippi Ontor Library - Public Policy - Tax Document Number: 0-933635-99-0
Pages: 752

All praise to the Goddess!

Summary Page

In our continued research to maximize net tax revenues, the following suggestion is

The current tax collection policy of our glorious empire is centralized with cash flow limited
by the time and distance of the outlying provinces. In addition there is the security concerns
as evidenced by the tax raid at [security deletion]. There is also the consideration of the cost
of maintaining the current tax collection method.

To alleviate these problems, we suggest selling the tax function to interested merchants. By
selling the rights to tax collection, the Imperial Treasury would receive all funds upon
completion of the bidding process. As funds will be delivered from established merchants
within the empire, security risks will be minimized. Costs for tax collecting will be
transferred to the bidders, thereby maximizing net revenues for the Treasury. Also note as an
ancillary benefit the successful bidders will need to hire security, thereby offering a solution
to our current military retirement problem.

Though the gross amount collected may be less, the net amount will be greater due to cost
savings and the future value of current receipts.

COMMENTS: Treasury/Tax Collection - The IRTPI's Institute's reliance on this new and untested "future
value" calculation undermines all validity to this option. We recommend continuing with
current policy.

Treasury/Security - IRTPI has overstated security risks in tax collection. Reference [security
deletion] for further details.

Imperial Research Services - The reference to Agenda Item M4325 indicates an inappropriate
level of access in IRTPI. Recommend research for IRTPI.

[I am intrigued by the centralized tax system of the Empire. Why did it develop as a
bureaucracy with magical influence - I assume the Tax Demons are more than a cool name
for IRS agents? As I recall the Roman Empire used a system of "tax farming" where they
sold the rights to collect taxes. The R.E. had a guaranteed income without having to
maintain tax collectors. The tax farmers were given the right to collect as much as they could
squeeze from the local population. Both systems have many great scenario possibilities. I am
interested in any comments. - Robert McLearen Jr.]

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