Cleaning up Doraster

From: David Weihe <>
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 1996 11:31:27 EST

> From: "Timothy Byrd" <>
> OK, now that I'm done venting, I have a question for everyone. In
> your game, if the players were going to clean up Dorastor, how could
> they go about it?

Launch the Hero Wars, of course. Arkat couldn't clean it up permanently, why should anyone less powerful have a chance?

Even to clean up a defensible section would probably require a few major Heroquests, and a minor war (major to the Bilimi, of course) to provide distractions and take care of the mundane foes (who are quite nasty, in and of themselves).

Alternate possibility: Establish a major temple to the gods of Brillo (or whatever it was, from the detective story in the RQ Companion), then call in Orlanth Thunderous for the rinse cycle.

Just a joke, but I *did* spend three nights last week fixing our washing machine, so it seems funny to *me*.

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