Sunstop, Dragon Dance

From: Stephen P Martin <>
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 1996 02:10:25 EST

Peter Metcalfe <> Stopping suns, changing faces and death spells
>>Another sheet says that the Orlanthi/Theyalans had only four seasons in
>>the First Age: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter.
>But they also had the sacred time according to the Fortunate Succession
>which the Dara Happans adopted.

This is not a final document, and this earlier seasonal information has not been pointed out to Greg recently. So, it is possible it might change. But I should have caught that.

>>Glorantha: Genertela says that nobody knows exactly what Nysalor did
>>which was so different....
>But further on it said that all changes disappeared when the God died
>as was prophesized leaving only faint nostaglia and resentment for his

"Changes disappeared" can mean many things -- Forgetting Things could fall under that, especially withthe "faint nostalgia". I don't see this as a barrier.

>>Additionally, "A Footnote on the Birth of Gbaji" (in Tales 8 and
>>Dorastor: Land of Doom) says that men agree that Time was different
>>the Sunstop, and that it was shorter -- men seemed to age faster.
>>agreed that this was so, but basically said to live with it.
>Furthermore the source that
>only the Westerners noted (or complained about) the difference in
>the Sun's movement after the Sunstop is 'Cults of Terror'.

You are misquoting here. CoT does not say that _only_ men in the West complained about Time being shorter. It says (page 17): "Manuscripts from the West claim that time was different before and after the Sun Stop." This does not mean that no one else noted it, only that the documents from the West are the best or best-known source of this belief. Now, they _could_ have been the only ones, but that's not what it says.

On the same page is a line which addresses a comment someone made a couple of Digests ago, about whether or not the Sun Stop stopped everything (as in Last Song of Horned Ulf): "...the sun did not move from its place, though people went about their business."

>>There are appropriate parallels in Kralorela
>One wonders how you account for the Pamaltelean Calender which
>has four seasons and a Holy Week?

Yeah, I recognized this as I wrote the bit for the first time. But, there is so little known about the Pamaltelans and their calendar, that I don't feel the need to address it at this point. And where is this information in print? I have a mental block when it comes to calendars -- if it ain't in Genertela, Glorantha Book, I can't seem to figure out _where_ it is!

It is even possible that the Sunstop only lasted a week for the Doraddi - -- I did mention this possibility previously. I am talking about the member races and cultures of the First Council (and former member races and cultures) here.

BTW, is there somewhere in print where it says that the Doraddi recognize a SIX day week, rather than the normal seven. I can't for the life of me figure out where I got this from.

"Jane Williams" <> Dragon Dance participants
>Stephen P Martin:
>> It may be a bit too early to include Annstad of Dunstop,
>> though perhaps not, especially if he is a nephew of Fazzur.
>Annstad is possibly the same person as "Unstey" (KoS160), "the king
>who did the Dragon Dance with the High King...". I wasn't aware that
>he was related to Fazzur: what have I missed?

No, you misunderstand. I am not _saying_ he is related to Fazzur, I am saying that _if_ he is related to Fazzur, it allows him an earlier role in the events in the pass, IMO. Good point about Unstey -- Joerg and I have been discussing the Kings of Tarsh and The Sacred Kings in private correspondence, and we made a possible connection between _Instand_ and Annstad there -- Unstey is also close enough to make a connection. Or, Unstey may be someone else -- the timing is better if Annstad comes later, I think.

>I suspect Kallyr's special star is Polaris. The only direct
>reference I've found is at the end of the Saga (KoS38).... And the
Polaris >priest(-ess?) was directing the entire ceremony, so a Polaris connection would be >very useful for redirecting it.

I bow to your superior research and logic. I am willing to concede that Kallyr was the motive force behind this raid, though I maintain it woudl have been impossible to her without (an) Argrath's help. Why he was necessary, I don't know, but I know he had to be necessary.

>> Given the timing, and the special relationship with nightmares,
>> perhaps Argrath of Pavis is one of the Dancers.
>Given that "Argrath" is a title applied to many people rather than
>(or as well as?) a name, almost any of those present could be "an"

No, even as a title "Argrath" is a bit more specific than that. Some of Kallyr's deeds are later attributed to Argrath, but it is _very_ iffy claiming her as one of the many Argraths. Claiming any of the others, like Minaryth or Orlaront, is not accurate, IMO.

>> However, if Kallyr was in charge, this alters the mix completely.
>Also look at who reacted afterwards: Kallyr and Moirades are the main
>participants. One of the Argraths may have been present, but not as a

Agreed. I think Kallyr's companions are more likely to be the ones involved, mostly. Also, if some of them died and, unlike Minaryth, did not return, I would expect that their name would _not_ appear in the list in KoS. In other words, my opinion is that that list of Kallyr's Comanions is post-Dragon. Since Argrath is noticably missing from it, and there is one missing space, I would suggest perhaps the list was compiled after her death, and Argrath was ommitted on purpose by the compiler.

>Benedict Adamson:
>>My guess is that Jandetin was with the Lunars for the Lunar Ceremony.

I can also agree with this -- I like the idea of his secretly providing info to Kallyr and/or Argrath.

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