the Lion and the Brithini

From: Peter Metcalfe <>
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 1997 01:03:25 +1200

Erik Sieurin:

[The Quest of Androcles and the Lion]

>Now, suppose that a person named X is to perform this quest. I assume
>most heroquesters know the myth they are following, though certain
>details may faulty. So X goes along, and when he encounters the Lion,
>he helps it, but NOT because of kindness, but because of cold
>calculation: if I help the Lion, he will not attack me later.

>So the quest-question is: Is intent important, or action?

IMO HeroQuestors on the Other Side are incapable of such calculation. This is because their emotional selves are so much stronger here. Thus Androcles would heal the Lion because of his kindness trait as would most Heroquestors following in his footsteps (or kick it aside saying 'bloody animal'). The overriding impression they get when they see the Lion is not foresightful calculation but gut reaction depending on their personality.

An Illuminate or a Logician could divorce himself from the emotional side and react according to his self-interest. But this is called 'an abuse of the cosmos'.

Thomas Doniol-Valcroze:

>The Brithini recognise the act of Creation, and the fact that
>"something" or "someone" had a role to play in it, but they do not
>personify it/Him as Malkioni do, nor do they worship it/Him.

>Why not call [the Brithini] agnostics then?

>More clearly, an agnostic is someone who says:
>"I don't believe in (the Invisible) God, nor do I believe that there
>is no God; I just don't know because there is no way to know."

But that is not the Brithini PoV. Look at ToTRM#13, the Brithini writer clearly acknowleges the existance of the Invisible God. They simply deny the validity of the dimensions (ie he is worshippable) that the Malkioni have added to him. In modern terms, the equivalent thing would be the Big Bang. To the Brithini, the modern Malkioni are those people in _Beneath_the_Planet_of_the_Apes_ who sing 'All creatures, great and small, the Big Bang made them all'. Stark raving nutters in other words.

Besides Atheism sounds cooler. Calling the Brithini agnostics makes them sound like a land of chronic indecisives which they are not.

Thought for the day: Are God Learners Secular Humanists?

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