The Centaur Tribute

From: danny bourne <>
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 20:45:51 GMT

Here's the adventure, I've stripped out all the stats (for space reasons mainly) so you can make them up for the named NPCs. Enjoy

The Centaur Tribute

Origins of the Tribute

        During the time of Hendroste Goldenhand the Skybow clan was led by a chief called Plainfeather. At that time, due to a generation of near-constant warfare with the Hoofdancer Tribe, the Skybow clan was weak and not very numerous; yet Plainfeather was determined to restore the fortunes of his tribe. He realised that without outside aid the chances of his clan's survival were slim. The clan had neither great wealth, nor prestige, but what Plainfeather did possess was courage, determination and skill in the use of the spirit flute. He realised that with these three facets alone he had to somehow bring aid to his beleagured clan. With the aid of the greatest of his shamans, he undertook a visionquest and when he returned to his gert three days later he made immediate plans for travel. He did not travel without purpose, however and, gathering what few trade goods the clan sill had, he left the Grazelands with a small group of his closest braves. They struck out east, passing through the Solthon Valley and Shakeland until they reached the edge of the Upland Marsh. Upon reaching this blasted land, Plainfeather instructed his braves to search for a very special and rare reed, known to grow on the edges of the swamp. Once he had garnered one of the reeds, he then ordered his braves south and journeyed towards the Sapphire Pools of the Creakstream River.

        Plainfeather allowed his braves to rest here for a day whilst he began to make himself a spirit flute using the reeds from the Upland Marsh which he first softened in the Sapphire Pools and then consecrated during a night-long ceremony. In the morning, when he first played the pipes, all his b raves agreed that it was the finest music they had ever heard, and were awed at Plainfeather's skill. With a grunt of satisfaction and a look of grim resolution on his face, Plainfeather led his band further south and west until they reached, and then crossed, Centaur Ford.

        The Grazers were soon challenged by a centaur patrol. Plainfeather refused to tell the centaurs either his name or his purpose on entering the Beastlands, only stating that he must be taken to see Fairflank, a centaur chieftan known to be the best musician in the whole of the Beastlands. Plainfeather showed great courtesy to the centaurs, handing over all the trade goods that they had brought as a sign of friendship asking in return for aid against the Hoofdancers. Fairflankwas reticent,preferring to remain neutral in the affairs of the Grazers. However, Plainfeather then suggested a musical competition. If he lost both he and his braves would become the slaves of the centaurs, however, if he won then he would claim the prize of aid from the centaurs for seven times seven generations.

        Fairflank could not resist such an offer and the competition was set for that night. Fairflank played first and played a tune so beautiful and enchanting that all of Plainfeather's followers knew that they had lost. Plainfeather, however, thought differently and, from his saddlebags, produced the flute he had made on their recent journey. He then played. Everyone who listened agreed that the competition had been won and, after making a present of his flute to Fairflank, Plainfeather returned to Skybow lands. WIth the help of the centaurs, the Hoofdancers were defeated and much of their herd was captured. And thus was the future of the Skybows secured.

        As a mark of respect Plainfeather decreed that every year a group of braves newly entering their respective cults would ceremonially re-enact his journey carrying tribute and a token flute made from Upland Marsh reeds. This is a custom that the Skybow clan still follow today. Rude Awakenings

        It is still dark when a messenger enters the shelter of the warriors. He is silent yet appears excited. He guides the young warriors to the outskirts of the Clan/Family camp where he leaves them.

        As the Sun rises, the clan shaman, Yanasreal Nightgallop, approaches. He is bedecked in his ceremonial apparel and his face is painted red. Yanasreal is joined by the Warchief, Jokotkorda Dinaldia, and the camp chief Hoatl Imla. She informs the young warriors that they have been chosen to take tribute to the half-men of Beast Valley. They are to meet these ancient Clan friends at Centaur Ford.

Bones, Pollen, & Flowers

        Yanasreal steps forward, and establishes a circle around the warriors using horseshoes, painted rocks and sticks adorned with feathers. He then begins to circle the warriors, humming low and long. As his chant reaches it's loudest, Yanasreal showers the warriors with pollen and sings. Put your feet down with pollen,
Put your hands down with pollen,
Put your head down with pollen,
Then your feet are pollen, yours hands are pollen, your body is pollen, your mind is pollen. Your voice is pollen,
The Trail is still.
Jakotkorda steps forward and gives the young warriors the "feather of the Alien Gods" (a captured Orlanthi befuddle matrix). Hoatl gifts the warriors with a hoop she has made, it consists of two white "life feathers"
(function as one-use Healing 4 spells) and a "preservation feather" (a
one-use Heal 6 spell).

        The warriors are instructed to gather their weapons, belongings, and horses; once this is accomplished they are told of the route they are to take. Yanasreal, his face lost in the mystics trance, warns them of the potential dangers they may face..
The Rocks that crush the traveller,
The Reeds that cut the traveller,
The Boiling sands that overwhelm the traveller,   The Trees that frighten the traveller.

        The warriors are then provided with trail rations for three days, consisting of dried corn, dried horse meat. unleavened bread, and two pint flasks of elderberry wine.


        It will be late afternoon by the time the warriors have crossed the mouth of Solther Valley and crossed the de facto borders of the realm of the Earthshakers. The young Grazers will have been repeatedly warned to avoid the temple of the Shakers, and their fort of Maran's Dun.

        However, Shakeland is very similar to the lands of the Skybow Clan, being temperate grassland in nature. If the warriors decide to hunt for their meat they will encounter the Maran warriors during this activity, otherwise the encounter with the warband will take place during the first part of the night.

        The Marantaros Clan are theoretically a tribe, albeit a small one. As a result of this they fear any presence within their lands and tend to react accordingly. The warriors encountered are all women (and reputed scalp takers) and form part of a warband under the command of Alchfled, daughter of the Chief Stonor.

        The women will charge the camp, on horseback, in an attempt to scatter and steal the Grazers horses. If encountered during a hunt they will strike from ambush and will attempt to leap out and incapacitate the warriors, stealing their horses, weapons, and any other belongings- including the Centaur Tribute (not realising it's significance, it's theft could trigger a full scale border war between the Marantaros and the Skybows, which is a situation Stonor would prefer to avoid). See Marantaros War Party in the Encounter Roster.


        If the warriors are still alive, they will pass through Iristaros lands without any difficulties. About midday they will reach the banks of the river; they must follow it South to reach Centaur Ford. The going will get progressively more and more difficult as the warriors cross spinosaurus flats (perhaps they will even see a couple of spinosaurs but they would be foolish to antagonise them!). During the afternoon, the ground will become increasingly waterlogged, the proud young Grazer warriors may even be forced to dismount and walk! Soon after they dismount the evening twilight draws in. In this ideal environment the warriors will encounter the outer limits of the defences of the Upland Marsh as they are attacked by zombies.

        The zombies have been lying in the muck of the riverbed and will reach up grabbing at human and horse legs, gaining complete surprise. They will attempt to drag anything living into the muck and water (by sheer force of numbers if necessary). Failing that the creatures will simply flail at the party with tree trunks. Note that the creatures attack with more co-ordination than usual due to the presence of Redwash, a truly awful remnant of an enthusiastic Vivamort cultist. The warriors would be wise to leave this area before nightfall; if they don't the camp will be attacked by a howling pack of ghouls who will tear into the Grazer mounts like a pack of ravenous wolves (well role-played Grazer characters will probably find attacks directed at their horses more distressing than anything they could suffer personally).

Boiling Sands

        On the third day the Grazers will enter the area of the river basin; in the morning they will pass the sapphire pools and other similar features
(fumaroles, mud pools etc.). At some point, before the warriors reach
Centaur Ford they will encounter a raiding party of Sartarite Warriorsthey  are Lismelder- and on the prowl for wild horses (which are attracted to this area by the salt deposits around the pools). Erland Troll-Bane and his merry men are also quite happy to loot a female Grazer gathering group or an isolated Clan camp if the opportunity presents itself. If challenged, these Saratarite raiders will make a great display of contempt for the Grazers (particularly Tosti the psychopathic Stormbull); yet they will be more concerned with making off with their captured booty than in fighting to the last man.

        Any fighting in this vicinity will be hampered by the noxious fumes (CON x5% per round of violent activity of be overcome with weakness/nausea) and boiling water pools (2D8 damage to anyone falling in, knockbacks apply) which are the natural collolary to any volcanic activity. Additionally the steaming fumaroles will give a 20% bonus to anyone attempting to use the dodge skill whilst fighting on foot since they generate a thick haze of steam which obscures vision to a height of over 2M. Centaur Ford

        By late afternoon (or early morning) the ford will be in sight. As the warriors approach they will be able to see a group of male and female centaurs on the far bank.

        Fairflank, a male centaur will enter the waters of the Ford and greet the Grazers expectantly awaiting the tribute to Fairflank. Once this has been done relations will be less formal. The centaurs will allow the Grazers to cross the ford and enter their nearby camp where they will be fed and entertained (with traditional stories and harp playing).

        In the morning the Grazers will be provided with two days fresh provisions, as well as the blessings of the centaurs (for all they are worth!) and will be accompanied to the Wild Temple by a group of centaur warriors. Two items of note that the centuars hand over are a bag of pollen (to be used at next year's ceremony) and a flower garland which is given to the grazer who has made the biggest fool of himself. At this point the centaurs depart leaving the warriors to pass along the ghost trail alone. The centaurs will warn the characters to stay on the trail and not to wander; any number of stupid minotaurs or unscrupulous manticores would be more than happy to assault the party if they trespass on the lands of the Beast men. The traditional path is known to all Beasts as the route of the first tribute taker and is subsequently hallowed ground. To take it both reinforces the ritual and demonstrates contempt for the "ghosts".

Fey Ghost Woods

        It will be at least midday by the time the Grazers reach the outskirts of the "ghost woods". If the sun is shining, the woods will scatter forbidding shadows across the meadow fringes. If the weather is overcast the woods appear even more sinister.

        Travel on horseback through the woods is very difficult, if not impossible. Low overhanging branches effectively block the path for riders and impenetrable bracken, dogroses, and hawthorn slow movement on foot to all but a crawl. The trail is marked by broad blazes cut into the bordering trees going down to the white wood. The wood seems to be strangely healed and recovering.

        Shafts of light break the canopy at irregular intervals causing eerie shadows and the shifting breeze will cause the horses to become skittish
(riding or animal lore roll to calm them at the PC's option, failure
indicates that the horse bolts back down the path). This unnatural feeling is enhanced by eerie tinkling sounds in the distance (wind chimes placed by the forests elven inhabitants). Strange rustlings and snappings come from the edges of the path (inquisitive runners). The Grazers should constantly feel that they are being watched and followed (which they are). Should they depart from the poorly marked "Ghost Trail" the going gets even harder and the noises ever more fantastic and frightening.

        By twilight the warriors should be clear of the woods, the old road will lead them past Spirit mountain and into quiet vendrief country. Soon they will be back in the familiar terrain of Solthon Valley. The fires of the Skybow camps will be visible long before they are reached. The young warriors will be greeted by children and followed back to the camp where Jokotkorda Dinaldia, and Hoatl Imla welcome them. That evening the young warriors will be blessed by Yanasreal and the feasting and drinking will continue to the early hours of the next morning, apart from the Grazer with the flower garland who will be ridiculed by the tribe (with the exception of the other Grazers who were given the garland in earlier tributes).

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