Re: POW and plants

From: Joerg Baumgartner <>
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 97 21:17 MET

James Turner:
>A question occurred after my group's post game discussion last week.
>What qualities does something need to have a POW stat?

A (communal or personal) spirit of some sorts.

>This question started by trying to figure out if plants have POW and if
>not why. It seems that everything in the animal kingdom has POW, but
>the aldryami are the only plants with it. We decided that POW comes
>from having a spirit, but if that's the case why do elves have spirits
>and not oak trees, toadstools etc?

IMO at least some POW spirits are the spirits of plants, possibly trees hibernating on the spirit plane. They certainly behave like plants: produce starch (MP) without devouring much.

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