Anarchy rules Humakt?

From: David Hall <>
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 1997 16:55:59 -0500

Martin Laurie:
>However, Humakti are violent folk, they fight among themselves,
>sometimes to the death and are always testing one another - theirs
>is an uneasy togetherness and unlike Orlanth worshippers,
>they have no cult and social reason to be cooperative.


Humakti initiates are called Swordbrothers (sounds like a sort of family to me). Humakti duels are never to the death. Membership of the cult is reason enough to be co-operative, especially when it's a regiment or warband. See the cult and the swordbrothers as surrogates for the kin that initiates have cut themselves off from.

When soldiers fight, they fight for their mates. Cultural isolation and experience of battle will only forge a stronger bond. Who can you really trust? You can trust your battle comrades, those who follow the same honour codes and oaths. Comrades who will die for you, and for whom you'd willingly die.

The idea of every Humakti initiate having to be totally alone to be a good Humakti is frankly terrifying to an old Orlanthi like me. Maybe it's right for a nihilistic culture somewhere but not for the kin-oriented Orlanthi.

Dammit! I know that when I die I'm going to join my old battle comrades in Humakt's Hall of the Dead, there to prepare to fight at Humakt's side in the final battle. How can I be afraid of Death? I'll be with my battle kin!

All Hail the Bloody Moon!

David Hall

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