One use rune magic

From: Thomas Gottschall <>
Date: Sat, 26 Apr 1997 11:30:30 +0200

Hi everyone,

I've read Nick's article in TOTRM#12 about rune magic again. Excellent work ! That's how rune magic should be. But at one point I disagree : Why should the High Holy Day be the day when magic is renewed. I would propose to take Sacret Time since it is a time when the world is renewed. High Holy Days are not appropriate I think because they mark only a remarkable deed of the god or some important event. It is not so much about renewal. Now in the same issue there is also and article about a new way of using rune magic (POW is sacrificed but not for specific spells but for dieties and you can choose at a time what spell you wish for the spent POW). I wonder if this one and Nick's proposal could be combined without overpowering rune magic. E.g. if someone has spent already 20 points for Orlanth he would have every year variable rune magic worth 20 points. He would be hell to argue with !


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