People of Pavis

From: Erik Sieurin <>
Date: Mon, 2 Jun 1997 19:00:05 +0100

> WRT Erik getting bored in the later half of Peoples of Pavis FFG:
> Did you once think of offering your services to your leader Sor-Eel.
> I believe I dropped quite a few heavy hints that if people had run
> out of goals I could find things for them to do...
And since I spent less than 1% of the freeform anywhere within earshot of our beloved governor I didn't hear those hints...

I wasn't out of goals, I was stuck in most of them I was interested in following. I made the mistake of concentrating on my more mundane businesses early in the game, and didn't concentrate with enough vigor on the political goals. (As I said, less than 1% in the vincinity of the governor...) I didn't spread the owrd about my biggest goals too far, because both I and Pharnastes wanted most of the glory for ourselves, and because we wouldn't like to shake up things too much.

There were counterfeit coins about, and I am sure that if I had ranted enough, I could have established an official ban on all non-Lunar silver coins. My Solar colleague Thrandren Clubfoot had been happy (the Wheels would have been left alone). I could have theoretically gained some footage with my religious goal that only Lunars would be used.

But I wanted to have something more solid before I went to someone else than my fellow Etyries priestess (yes, I warned her). I wanted to be able to casually walk up to the constable and tell him to arrest that man, and then use the crime for leverage. I wanted fame and glory. NEVER believe those silly TV cop shows where the hero solves the plot himself. Never.

I didn't mean to imply that it was the Creators' fault that I was bored; if it came out that way, I'm sorry.

However, I consider it a crime to let Daniel Fahey wear that outrageous costume, when there were children around (one, at least). They will be harmed for life! Y=F3u who have seen it know what I am talking about.

(Yes, I know this letter is late compared to the letter it answers, but I've less time for Gloranthisms at the moment. I've just received a job -hoop hoop hurray! - and am busy making a living. However, come week-end, I'll return and turn the harvest of letters into bread of enlightenment and confusion. I will also present you with the horrible secrets of the Secret Masters of Glorantha, and start a Regular Feature, egotist that I am, which will be known as The Anecdotes of Ekke. Au Renoir or whatever they say in French until then.)

Erik Sieurin, from now on and for a rather long period of time Assistant Librarian at the Swedish National Institute of Testing and Research aka Sveriges Provnings- och Forskningsinstitut.

PS: On the regular thread on what people AM, I would add that I myself am an Openhandist Closehandist Vegetarian Individualist Mostali. Just so you Know it. DS.

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