Kralorela and Illuminates

From: Peter Metcalfe <>
Date: Thu, 05 Jun 1997 23:27:46 +1200

Nils Weinander:

Me>> The Masters would have you know [...] [the Mandarins] are
>> inevitably reincarnated as lawyers, tax collectors and ignorants
>> in their next life...

>Which just shows how ignorant the IMs are of the true
>Kralorelan way, since those who follow it to the letter
>are _not_ reincarnated...

That's what the Mandarins _say_ happens. But the Masters know the Truth is otherwise. When Emperor Yanoor committed suicide to avoid capture by the New Dragons Ring, thousands of blameless people who had followed his instructions all their lives followed his example and did likewise. Yet you can see them today as the Hungry Ghosts. How can you say that this is the True Kralorelan Way?.

Even the Mandarins knew the Truth. Instead following their Emperor's example, they fled like craven rats to Bliss in Ignorance. Thus those who follow the rites of the Mandarins are doomed to an inferior next life and ultimate oblivion.

Olver Bernuetz:

>On a related note I've always hated the idea of Illuminates being able to
>do whatever they want religions-wise like Zorak Zoran Humakti's and such
>nonsense. It's as if the cult doesn't have humans to spot suspicious and
>un-cultlike behaviour. (Uh, Swordmaster Bob why are you eating your

>(Yes I do realize that Illuminates don't have to follow cult restrictions if
>they don't want to but would their fellow believers let them get away
>with it?)

I've never heard it said that once a cultist becomes illuminate, that fellow cultists can't take reprisals against him once they become aware that he is an illuminate. The illumination only allows protection from the god and spirits of reprisal. Everybody else is still free to lynch (if they so desire) the illuminate. In many parts of genertela, freethinkers and liberals are often killed because they are _thought_ to be illuminates (whether they are or not).

So an illuminate can do whatever he or she wants but he must still pay the social consequences for doing so. A Yelm priest who raises Zombies, shows vampiric powers or uses strong Darkness spells will be punished even though his god does not take action against him.

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