Illumination for Everybody! Whee! :)

Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 03:42:52 -0400 (EDT)

Micheal Cule notes...

> I agree entirely that RQVision != Illumination but I don't know that
> I've ever heard it authoritatively said that they couldn't be enjoyed(?)
> by one person at the same time or that a Deist mindset is required
> before Illumination.
> Remember that Arkat was raised as a Malkioni and also illuminated.
> I agree that Illumination has strange effects on Deist minds but believe
> it could have equally strange effects on Malkioni.

      If Illumination is, as suggested in the old _Cults of Terror_, the realisation of certain hidden truths about the universe then everyone in Glorantha should be able to be illuminated. I tend to think that dragons and dragonkind have access to such truths from a different angle, so illumination for them is redundent or pointless.

      If, however, Illumination is some other thing...well, what is it? :) In any case, it should be more than a power-gamer goodie.

V.S. Greene : : Boston, near Arkham...

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