Deep Hunter & Drastic Crossdressing Yelornans

From: Peter Linton Tracy <>
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 1997 16:40:36 +1000 (EST)

Gary Switzer
Yelornan Moustaches

Just flipping through Drastic: Prax the other day, looking at the Yelorna writeup (or was it in Enclosure? I don't recall, I need a sleep. ;-), when I noticed that the *males* of the cult must have no facial hair. I thought this VERY interesting in light of MOBs revealations about Sun County Yelmalians and rampant transvestism... Obviously Yelorna attracts some men of, ah... 'dubious' character, whom desire to appear as women, as well as some fairly, um... 'hirsute' women. ("I thought Yelornan men weren't allowed moustaches!" "Thats not a Man, thats the High Priestess!" ;-)

It shold be noted that the males of the cult also are hanging around a bunch of violent virgins, but do not have to be virgins themselves, cannot progress in the cult, and obviously are not interested in 'relations' with 'other' (read female) cultists. They just like the nice silver cult jewelery! ;-)

This might also explain some of the antagonism between the cults... Yelmalians dressing as women would be misstaken for a bunch of pansy Yelornans, and there's none of that 'round here thankyou. ;-)

I just like that whole angle... with the nice Yelornan man volunteering to guide the handsome heroes through Sun County, dubious glances from the locals, etc.

In this case MGF = Maximum Gay Fun ;-)

Peter T

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