Re: The Glorantha Digest V5 #222

Date: Fri, 14 Nov 1997 13:21:46 -0500 (EST)


<< 1. Types of creatures and special rune  

 List of the great categories of creatures and wether they have or don't  have a special creature rune.  

 Types of creatures Special Rune  

     Birds, insects and fish are governed by the beast rune AFAIK. That's why Gorakiki's runes are darkness and beast, frex. Mammals, birds, insects and fish are not specifically runic concepts. By this I mean that some mammals are associated with the Beast rune (e.g. dogs, sables, whatever), some with the Man rune (e.g. humans, trolls) and some with both (Hsunchen). Not only that, but you could say the same for insects (beetles = beast, timinits = man*, gorakiki cultists = both) and fish (haddock = beast, piscoi = man, hypothetical triolini Hsunchen = both).

Forward the glorious Red Army!


End of The Glorantha Digest V5 #223

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