down on their luck broos

From: Eric D. Hansen <>
Date: Sat, 06 Dec 1997 18:23:26 -0500

What happens under the following circumstances?
  1. A whole bunch of broos, for lack of more numerous victims, gang rape some poor animal, implanting spore at more or less the same time. Do you get lots of different broobabies, or just one? If it's just one, is it an "ordinary" (whatever that means) broobaby, or is it some abnormally unspeakable monstrosity? We've already established that no RW genetics are at work, so multiple fathers may be possible. I've heard ( I forget where) that when broos rape other broos, the result is gorp. Therefore, in the aforementioned circumstance, would you end up with a baby gorp broo? (ugh)
  2. A lone broo is isolated in a place with no living things for it to rape (stranded on a desert isle for instance). Out of frustration, it resorts to chronic masturbation, spilling its "seed" everywhere, willy-nilly, like Onan. Where it lands, does it "impregnate" the ground? Or is it wasted? Since Broos can, in theory, though rarely, "mate" with inanimate objects, wouldn't something spring forth from this? I know that this sort of behavior would be frowned upon by Thed, who insists on rapine and the pain and suffering of the victim, so perhaps physical violation is a necessary component of broo reproduction.

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