Greg does not play dice! ;-)

From: Daniel McCluskey (Volt Computer) <"Daniel>
Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 07:00:41 -0800

ooohh, Einstein would NOT have liked living in Glorantha...
	Having just spen't a couple of years sorting out the metaphysics of
	Glorantha I was rather unprepared for this. 
	  My brain still hurts, but at least I now know what sudden
	feels like. And I've been wondering what sort of tricksters to have
	lurking in Pavis. They believe in the Die of the Gods.

But clearly, as the die was a d6 and not a d10, it was the Bulls HUGE damage bonus that did in the devil, and not a Crit.

Oh, and Ducks would be LESS cartoonish if they looked like PENGUINS????? - -ack!
(other than that, it seems like a fine idea -- Make the buggers waddle AND quack!).


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