Glorantha Con DU & other nonsuches

From: Adam Betteridge <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 23:56:20 +1100

Glorantha Con Down Under was even better than last time, I congratulate all of the organisers (so does my fiance) on the Con. The location was good as it was a lot easier to get to than MOB's School for little Lunars (no offense MOB).

    The highlight of the Con was Life of Moonson, if you have a chance to play I highly recommend it. In our own version I think that Jar-Eel stole the show, his performance at certain undisclosed events was trully memorable (How Niel could be so decadent I don't know). To all the referees I give my thanks as, and especially to the writers.

    As a consequence of Ingo appearence the formation of DUCS has come about, what is a DUCS I hear you ask. Down Under Chaos Society of course. Now I talked to Andrew about this after the con and we are looking at putting together a series of booklets about various subjects, what I ask from you is some imput as to what you want to see? Scenarios, Stories etc please let me know.

Cheers Adam B. aka Sor-Eel the Not so Short

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