Re: Harrek and the Broo

From: Brandon Brylawski <>
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 1998 15:17:22 -0500

Peter Metcalfe writes:

>Harrek the Berserk is a Wolf Pirate. The cover of the Genertela
>boxed set shows him and some dork fighting a Broo with a Scorpion
>Arm. Apart from noting that the Broo will be atomised into fine
>paste six seconds after the picture was drawn, Dorastor mentions
>an infamous Broo called Ralzakark of the Scorpion Arm.

>Unfortunately this nice neat picture is ruined by the information
>that one Oddi the Keen is the slayer of Ralzakark and ilk. So
>Greg may have been thinking one time that Ralzakark was slain
>by Harrek before gregging himself.

It was my understanding that Harrek's opponent was the Broo of the Black Pus, a Broo heroquestor of considerable power, perhaps even good enough to give Harrek a workout. The Dork may be Argrath.


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