Re: God Learners and their Secret

From: Kevin Rose <>
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 19:47:14 -0500 (CDT)

Richard said a bunch of interesting stuff, but I don't think that it really approached the trick the God Learners used. The Secret was a technique, not a viewpoint. RQ sight was the ability to see relationships and points that could be manipulated. The Secret was a way to minipulate the Universe (or major elements of it) to produce impossible effects. This imposed stress on the Universe. Eventually the cumlative manipulation of the Universe resulted in it unexpectedly transforming into a state where the technique no longer worked*. Then the Gift Bringers showed up and everyone who knew the secret died.

As Sandy said, "The God Learners didn't fail to stop the Gift Bringers because the Gift Bringers were so incredibly tough, they failed to stop them because their own magic was no longer viable. The laws of the cosmos are now different than in their day."

At least it's the way I see it.


*Sort of like the way that a supersaturated solution can nearly instantiously crystalize when additional input is added. Or any other such effect.

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