Shadowing Mikael

From: Erik Sieurin <>
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 1998 19:07:18 +0100

After an impressive and generally convincing description of the status of Darkness, Mikael Raaterova finished with an intriguing footnote:
> (1) Otherwise we'd have to figure out what an absence of darkness means.
> But since Darkness, the mother of all, permeates Glorantha, that cannot =
> even the Sun has a shadow. If darkness is absent, what *is* present is
> chaos.

This brings up an old question of mine, to which answer is probably a very simple one: If I summon a Shade from a patch of darkness, and then commands the Shade to move out of the darkness to do something (engulf someone, etc), what will be where the Shade where?

If I make a Sylph (please, not 'Slyph', as some people insist on writing) move away, taking with it it's body of air, other air will rush in to fill the void. Similarily, if I summon a Shade from Xentha's mantle, the darkness of Night, and commands it into a lighted building, other Darkness will surely rush in to fill the void.

But I could just as easily summon a Shade from a patch of, say, shadow under a house in broad daylight. Now, if that Shade moves away, will new darkness rush in (from where - deep within the ground?) to take its place, or will it be a diluted darkness, less dark? Can I summon a new Shade from that darkness, or isn't the new dark 'strong' enough?

Confusedly yours,

Erik Sieurin, who really must get those duck minis. And then he must sharpen his newly-found minature-painting skills (you wouldn't believe me if I told ya of the HeroQuest I had to walk to get'em!) until he is actually capable of painting 15 mm minis...

"The Owl and the Pussycat went to sea, in a beautiful pea-green boat..."
>From "The Owl and the Pussycat" by Edward Lear

Erik Sieurin
Bodagatan 39, 2 tr
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