Starting New Players

Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 15:41:32 EDT

Michael Cule :

<< Use either Sartar ('You're sorta like Vikings or maybe Celts') or the West  ('You're feudal knights and their folliowers') so that they can get a firm  picture in their heads. Not something a bit outre like the Grazers. Not for the
 very first game.

I've tried Praxians('a bit like cowboys and indians'), and 13th Century Carmanians (lots of reasons for this : caste structure gave obvious character choices between warrior and wizard; ready made enemies (New Moon Queendom, Rival Blood Kings, those bloody Dara Happans, Brolian savages), I didn't think much would be published to contradict anything that happened or that I made up;." more a place of skill and adventure than large scale invasions, although the latter did occur. We have no dates or names except for the opening fight mentioned above" - History of the Lunar Empire Part Two. This was great for letting politics and stuff work without worrying that it was getting too "unofficial". I sometimes think Dragon Pass and Pavis can be a bit suffocating because there is so much information about it.

Of these two the Praxian one was OK to start with but felt a but limiting as it continued. There seemed to be less options for the characters to develop into . " hey I want to be Khan", " hey so do I" etc.

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