I seem remember Greg saying the idea that the EWF was a Kraleorian plot to destroy the god learners was a roumour abound in Kraleoria itself. IMO this roumour is not only untrue but is an attempt at rewriting history by the Kraleorians to explain by association the phenomanon of the EWF.
After all the religious authorities in Kraleoria claim to preside over the only true draconic path for humans, and thus can't be seen to have no opinion or association with an enormous culture-spanning empire with conflicting views on dragon lore.
Claiming it was their idea all along is a natural reaction, and has the neat side effect of forgiving the obviously different theology : it was only a tool and as such a means to an end, we never intended it to last longer than necessary and so it fell apart when we had no further use for it.
HW religion
Something I've not seen mentioned yet regarding the "What I discovered about Glorantha whilst writing HW" convulsion seminar, is reluctant worship.
The basic premis was that in many cases your god calls you, as opposed to you choosing your god. The example mooted also re-opened an old can of worms, the question of pantheon worship.
I shall attempt to relate the example from my memory.
Horace is born and initiated an Orlanthi in a small clan, he soon develops an intersest in reading and is most often seen with a book under his arm, this intrest develops and soon he is visiting the temple library on a regular basis. This leads everyone to call him a follower of Orlanth-lawspeaker which pleases Horace.
However, soon he is making trips to city libraries, writing journals and embarking on field trips to find out esoteric details. Soon everyone realises that they were wrong and he is a full-blown Lhankor Mhy scholar after-all. Everyone that is except Horace who is much happier staying within the cosy confines of the Orlanth cult.
The implication is that the local preists of both deities will treat him as a Lhankor Mhy because he behaves that way, and will tend to push him into that role. And, how you are percieved by others is equally if not more important than how you perceive youself.
This story also highlights the fact that it is more common to worship the varios subcults of Orlanth/Ernalda than their associated deities in small communities. This was first made clear in the Orlanth Pantheon write-up (in Heroes?) and restated more recently in KoS.
Also mentioned in this seminar was the ability of a worshipper of one
to call on another deity in the pantheon for magic, all be it to a
extent and with reduced chances of success. But I will not stress
this point here as this was debated to death many moons ago on this
digest. Suffice to say HW will allow this.
Back to the point, I for one will relish the opportunity to role-play a reluctant worshipper of an ascosiated deity, with all the interesting complications this would cause.
It is these issues and detials that anyone may have on HW keywords in relation to cult magic and abilities that most interest me about HW.
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