HW bump against Ordinary folk

From: MLaurie_at_compuserve.com
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 21:50:39 -0400

Nick comments
>Of course, anyone who dislikes "the idiotic 'free' level of mastery" can=

>simply crank their game down one level. Is there a problem with this?

Richard Melvin replies:
>Well, yes there is actually - you have to rewrite all the bits in any
>adventures you buy where it says:
>The bad guy is guarded by 40 elite Humakti thanes. =

>After the PCs deal with these, ...

Plainly Richards definition of "Ordinary" is somewhat different to mine.

Elite Humakti are NEVER ordinary and are always going to be a problem for any character who doesn't have three or more masteries. Only folk like
Harrek, Jar-eel and Cragspider or a Dragon or two are going to treat such=  =

a force as ordinary. Any leader who has a guard of 40 Humakti is in fact=

Prince Salinarg followed by the household of Death.

Ordinary in HW is guys who don't matter to the story. =

Martin Laurie

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