Old Adventures, New Rules

From: Kmnellist_at_aol.com
Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 15:46:55 EDT

OK, I've now looked at Trollpak and imagined it with Status Points etc as per HW drafts.
Caravans: NPC stats are most of the encounter. Moth Riders; ditto
Locust Nomads; ditto
Skyfall Lake; drinking contests, intimidation etc in the grog shop.Crab town , encounter with Sir Scissor then probable pusuit when they go wrong. Pursuit would be more dramatic.
Grubfarm; getting royal jelly is better. FlyingTrollkin; just a beat 'em up.50%stats! Sazdorf - HW would run the sublter encounters better (I think) Trollball - this would be great for several extended contests, one per point. How anyone managed to use RQ mechanics handle Trollball always amazed me.

Reviewing these scenarios it has amazed me how much space is used/wasted on NPC stats. At least one of the advantages of HW will be the absence of this sort of thing.

Keith Nellist

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