> Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 00:05:27 +0200
> From: "llabrot" <labrot.laurent_at_hol.fr>
> Subject: unofficial news concerning RUNEQUEST TDM
> Unofficial rumor on french rpg market state that a french RPG company (=
> Oriflam) are going to take contact with Hasbro in order to know the ex=
> price for RUNEQUEST TDM. Frenchs know that hasbro staff is actually thi=
> to create a new department for wargames and boardgames, but are not wil=
> to take any risk with RPG Runequest slayers, considered by internal Has=
> expert to be a total commercial faillure if published. Runequest being=
> well know in the US by young gamers, and associated with Chaosium glora=
> world for decades by all the others, Hasbro will lower the price, havin=
> anybody able to make an offer, Chaosium stating that Runequest is alrea=
dy a
> dead game. Following an internal Hasbro advice, selling can be possible=
> incredible low cost...
> This information is confidential, and i can not say more, but facts are=
> established
> 1: Chaosium/ Issaries can try to make a purposal to Hasbro, frenchs are=
> agree to abandon in this case, having any will to contest creators of t=
> original game
> 2: Fans can make a purposal and subscribe, frenchs will retire too in =
> case
> 3: anybody can express an opinion, the company is willing to move if no=
> else manifest any interrest in the case... french Runequest market was =
> maybe rest the first in the world
> note that i'm not involve in this case, just reporting ...
Salut Laurent,
Comme je suis responsable RQ et Glorantha pour le nouveau fanzine
Fran=E7ais, Entropie, je suis comme qui dirait int=E9ress=E9 par cette
nouvelle! Alors, RQ ne mourirait pas en France? Cool!
Est-ce que tu pourrais me communiquer un peu plus de ragots la-dessus?
Est-ce que tu aurais qqch =E0 contribuer =E0 Entropie pour RQ? :-)
Julian Lord