So far reaction has been 'warmish' to fairly enthusiastic. Some really great ideas have been floated by the respondents so far too!
Most respondents have expressed concern about the copyright/commercial aspect of this proposal. Please do not let that sort of thing influence your responses. I want to know if you like the idea. If people like the idea I will obviously approach those who hold the copyrights and attempt to work something out with them. Again, as I said in a previous posting, I don't want to waste Issaries Inc's time on an idea that has no support.
Thanks again to those who have already contributed their thoughts and feedback. If you haven't submitted your responses yet please consider doing so. I think this idea would be very usefull for Gloranthaphiles everywhere but it won't get off the drawing board without your feedback now...
Hoping to hear from each and every one of you,
PS. The questionnaire can be found in Glorantha Digest #139 or, if you'd rather I send you one directly, let me know and I'll be only too glad to do so!
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