>Chris Bell writes:
>>In CoT it mentions that deities and mortals feared
Kajaobor more than
>>death because Kajabor caused annihiliation so complete
that an entity
>>destroyed by him (it?) was often destroyed so
completely that not even a
>>name or any memory was left
Mark Buckley
>This does make me wonder how anyone in Glorantha therefore knows that
>this is the power of Kajabor?
I wondered about this, too. Perhaps the key phrase is "often": probably fragmentary memories of some gods destroyed by Kajabor are left. The fragmentary memory could be the god's existance because he came to the battle.
My Glorantha Lore may be way outdated, but I thought it was because of the physical evidence. You find a pile of bronze bones obviously belonging to a dead god, but nobody knows who or what it is/was, so Kajabor must have been the chaos god that killed it.
End of The Glorantha Digest V6 #169
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