Zero Population Sense.

From: Alex Ferguson <>
Date: Fri, 4 Sep 1998 18:49:59 +0100 (BST)

Peter and Joerg say:
> > [lots and lots of stuff]

Would it be a fair summary of this discussion to say that it's an in-depth examination of the feasibility of a 3% p.a. growth rate among the Dawn Age Theyalans, which is being conducted purely as a gedankenexperiment, following an off the cuff remark made as a tangential comment in the midst of the discussion about the (erroneous) supposition for a need for 3% growth throughout Time? Based on numbers which are hypothetical at start, middle, and end?

I realise there's probably an Important Issue here, such as which areas were worst affected by the Darkness, and which recovered the most rapidly, but how can one possibly hope to quantify such things, given the lack of numeric data of any sort?


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