
From: mob <>
Date: Wed, 09 Sep 1998 11:17:24 +0500

G'day all,


I said:
> Templars whose collection of geases renders them incapable of joining the
> line of battle are sent to a serve in a specialised unit at Harpoon, as are
> inveterate left-handers.

>>I thought in Glorantha only Dragonewts were left handed.

Speaking as a leftie myself, I'm pretty sure that there are about the same proportion of left-handed humans in Glorantha as here. And the same sort of prejudice exists in many Lozengial societies too, no doubt.

If I recall correctly, the "everyone is right-handed" notion is just a convenient rules construct from RQ3.

BTW, just as there are some naturally left-handed humans, there might be a few unfortunate right-handed dragonewts too (it messes around with their progression). And someone told me Lord Belvani's pet dragonewt was recently seen using his sling right-handed, rather well as a matter of fact...

>What sinister meaning do units of left handed Sun Dome templars imply?
>A connection with Yamsur?

"Sinister meaning", heh heh you witty punster. I don't know about this Yamsur connection. But I do know that the now-disgraced priest Daystar* personally selected a number of Cack-handers to replace his templar bodyguard while Custodian of the Old Sun Dome, against the advice of Light Captain. Following Daystar's fall, it was Auric Goldfinger's perceived close association with Daystar led to his most recent demotion and raft of geases (although he had strong alibis to show he played no part in the priest's abominable crimes and so narrowly avoided sharing his patron's fate).

   *see "Ye Book of Tentacles" for more on Daystar.

Jane said, of my cack-handed post yesterday:

>Nice one MOB!

Ta! What say despite Auric getting off, our leftie Cack-handers *are* intrinsically involved in Daystar's later shenanigans?* Daystar needs flunkies, and these guys are (in many appropriate ways) ideal for his purposes. And with them in control of the giant harpoon, we may even have a "Broken Arrow" type situation to play around with!

  *to be described in "The Secret History of Sun County, Part II"    (though if you came to our seminar at the last German con or    Convulsion, you would have got a taste of what's cooking.)

Food for thought?



  Research Associate, Bayswater Primary School   Learning Technologies Navigator School, Bayswater, Victoria, Australia   Telephone: +61-3-9721-3755 Fax: +61-3-9720-8986   <>
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