I've played in a Glorantha game which based "Heroquesting" on "visiting other worlds." There is usually a lot of popping into Middle Earth, though there have been quite a few other places we have visited also. The best part is that if your character dies in an odd world (and they usually do) you can make a character FROM the world you died in. There have been two or three campaigns run by the same guy, and in one campaign I have an Ice Troll from Gloranthan Hell, do to the untimely demise of my Zorak Zorani Mummy. (A wave of Styxx water and not rolling under 80 all night can do that to you...) Personally, in my game, I do not acknowledge the existance of "other worlds" but it's a ton of fun in the game I play in.
> What is the funniest (and that
> can be humorous or peculiar)
> Gloranthan character you've gamed
> with as a ref or a player?
Hm, in Sartar there is a traveling circus with all the usual odd characters. You know, Freaks, strongman, weight guesser, fortune teller, dancers, clowns, etc. Well, the Boxer is very good, and traditionally beats the tar out of all challengers. Well, there is a Healer that helps the downed fighters. Imagine the lunch lady at school. Old and gnarled, with a hairnet and a big fat cigar. Her quote was, "bah....that's a bunch of crap." Anyhow, she would roll the unconscious fighters and take their purses. She "hooked up" with a PC who, when sober said, "Oh my god....what happened to your face?!!!!" ROTFL
Anyhow, it was quite a hoot.
End of The Glorantha Digest V6 #197
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