Pentans/Grazers & bows

From: Pam Carlson <>
Date: Fri, 2 Oct 1998 14:40:50 -0700

Alex writes:
>I'll suggest that the arch-archers of Glorantha,

> in terms of overall significance of their military use, are the
> Pentans.

Agreed. When we played in David Dunham's "Grazers Getting Rich in Prax" campaign a few years ago, we found the combination of the speed of the horses and the long range of our bows to be a great combination. Adding the impressive arrow magics and our prodigious use of Lightwall, we crafted a general slaughter.

Our ususal method of enrichment went something like this:

"Avar, Look! A small band of Food-Rider warriors. I'll bet we could get a lot of gold for their mounts at the market in Pavis."

"Chuk! We're not thieves! We're honorable and righteous warriors of Yu_Kargzant! Show them the horses... maybe they'll attack."

(sure enough)

Chuk: "Where do we set the Lightwall?"

Avar: "Give them a sporting chance! No farther than 80 meters."

(Sound of spells being muttered...the <poof!> of a lightwall blinking into shape, the whicker of flaming arrows, the screams of wounded Praxians, blinded and confused...)

Avar: "Let's finish them with flameswords, brothers!" (thwacking and hissing sounds)

Chuck: "I love the smell of Praxian Flambee in the the morning! Smells like... bride price!"

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There are some things I miss about the old spells....


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