Malia chaotic: You bet!

From: Michael Cule <>
Date: Thu, 07 Jan 1999 23:08:02 GMT

Thomas Gottschall wamts to know

> 1. Do Malia worshippers detect as chaotic ?

Well, voluntary full initiation certainly does.

> 2. Does involunary worship of Malia taint you with chaos ?

No, I'd say that propitiatory worship of Malia (while a major sin) isn't enough to taint you with Chaos. (At least if I remember the description of it right.)

> It seems to me that Malia is no chaotic entity, because she is only
> associated with chaos where she is worshipped by broos (LoT p.27). And
> that she is primary a goddess of death and darkness. But I could be
> wrong.

I'd say you are. Malia is one of the Mad Three who called Chaos into the world. That makes you as Chaotic as they come. In a spiritual sense she might be called the Devil's Mother.

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