More Kralori answers

From: Peter Metcalfe <>
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 12:04:55 +1300


>So perhaps the Bridges are autonomous districts within provinces, but if so,
>this would imply some sort of ranking between exarchs (i.e. those which have
>charge of provinces, even if hypothetical sunken ones, and those who do not),
>as I suggested.

I see no need for there to be a _formal_ ranking of exarchates in Kralorela. All Exarchs are equal but some are more equal than others works perfectly fine for me.

>>>6) Zombie galleys. They're cool. Where do they come from?

>> Kralori corpses.>>
>Well, duh. I mean, where do they get the corpses from?

>From the Kralorelan regional activity table, they can't be choosey. I
imagine this takes the form of Tomb-robbers breaking into morgues and elaborate (and trapped) tombs to press-gang the corpses into service.

>Are they executed
>criminals, or is actually considered something of an honour for your physical
>remains to continue serving the Emperor even after your soul has departed, so
>that able-bodied corpses are donated to naval officials by relatives? Or
>something else?

If we are to adopt the Chinese parallel, being a soldier and having one's corpse fooled around with are both extremely horrible deads. So any notions like serving the Emperor after death would be ludicrous.

>And is there a Zombie Reanimation Department within the navy,
>or is it a separate (presumably non-chaotic) cult which might use zombies for
>other purposes too?

Special potions that give the corpse a semblence of life.  

> Oh, and another question, since I'm here. What is the status of women
>within Kralori society? I'm thinking particularly of the potential or
>otherwise for female PCs.

Poor IMO. However it is not uncommon for some women to rise above their social shackles.

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