RE: Seasons

From: Mark C. Gagnon <>
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 09:30:17 +0000

> Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 15:07:00 -0500
> From: "Bernuetz, Oliver: WPG" <>
> Subject: RE: Seasons
> >Actually, I think Valind's Glacier is caused by cold weather (in the
> >shape of the cold current from the NW), rather than vice-versa. But
> >that may be a Viewpoint issue.
> Is that like "but it's a dry cold." (this is the statement that
> Winnipeggers
> are notorious for when someone asks why we live here instead of
> Toronto where's it's warmer but a heck of a lot more humid).

Ah, but it is a "dry cold." I lived in Southern Ontario for about 35 years (man and boy, by gar) and one thing I remember about winter in Chatham, ON (which is as almost as far south as you can get in Canada and still be in Canada) is that the humidity seeps into your bones and makes the -15 degrees C seem like - -35 degrees C... When I lived in London, ON I had some classmates from out West and after about 4 weeks of overcast skies and damp cold days one of the "Winterpeggers" turned to me and said: "How do you people stand this?"

I am presently living in Northern Ontario and today it is -40 degrees C. However the sun is shining and its bright and clear and the sky is blue. Yipee! Winter in London used to drag on almost interminally (kind of like a Dark Season)... Here, its more like being perched on the edge of Valind's Glacier!


"Then by the power vested in me by my own over-inflated ego, I now declare this bridge open."
- - Weisshaupt, Cerebus, Issue 22

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