Morgan's price list

Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 17:06:13 -0500

>Anybody got (or know a web link for) a reasonable pricelist for Gloranth=
>E.G. one that has prices for a good meal, a riding horse, a sword, etc.?=

Which bit of Glorantha? Metal poor Balazar with a bartar economy or meta= l
rich West with Merchant Princes?; Praxian "whats a horse, then?" or Graz= er
"what colour would you like?"
What would you like from the menu Sir? Meat will be expensive in the Rightarm Islands with seafood very cheap while in the Wastes its insect, jerky or freshly slain herd beast, all washed down with blood laced fermented three month old milk. Suit you Sir!

Seriously, prices depend greatly of where you are and what you want. Abo= ve
all remember that Glorantha does not have a world wide, even country wide=

market economy like the RW, barter is the norm in most parts. Any item i= s
worth watever someone else is will to give you for it, no more, no less!

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