I heard of a wonderful saga in a friend's game (I'd leave the telling to him, but I don't think he subscribes.)
It seems his character was a reluctant Humakti from one of the southern culturally Orlanthi Lunar client states. He'd have been much better off as a Lankhor Mhy initiate, but couldn't make it for various clan reasons. Joined Humakt because he was confused about what Humakt's Truth association meant.
His real interest was mathematics and, after a long campaign, he ended up Heroquesting for the concept of zero. He succeeded.
And, some time after completing the Heroquest and emerging from the great Unknown with the Zero rune, he fully realized the true nature of Zero.
In other words, he'd brought a brand new aspect of Chaos into the world.
He killed his entire clan, then himself, in an attempt to stop it from spreading. But some Lunars saw his notes...
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