Cultural models.

From: Peter Metcalfe <>
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 23:18:50 +1200

>From: <>

>>Bronze age feel...

>I was referring more to the "feel" of early RQ backgrounds, not to the
>technology, which is readily evident as a mixture of periods. A lot of the
>early fiction (for example, "The Smell of a Rat" in the RQ Companion") struck
>me as having a Bronze Age feel, which I thought was appealing and different
>from other games on the market. :)

The latest vision of Esrolia (of which Nochet is part) does have a huge dose of Evanseque Minoan Matriachy, so I'm not going to dispute this. Nochet is a bit more cosmopolitan than the rest of Esrolia.

>>Hittites and Mycenaeans....

>What we refer to Hittites and Mycenaeans were Bronze Age, not early
>Iron Age (hence the deisgnations MBA, LBA, with subdivisions).

tchah! Meant to write Homeric but slipped up.

>My interest is in discovering the flavour of
>the newer background materials for Glorantha and see if some of the cultural
>elements of the groups and polities have changed (after all, Glorantha has
>been growing all of these years).

Carmania: A bit like the Persians rather than medieval knights. Under the Red Moon, they are kinda Hellenized Persians.

Dara Happa: has a lot of stuff, mainly mesopotamian fiezes. This is all in the Dawn and Imperial Age tho.

Fonritans: Islam-pagan arab mixture.

Loskalm: mixture of Arthuran Knights and 19th century German romantic notions about the same.

Lunar Empire: They have Phalanxes and Red-black pottery so its a mixture of Rome and Greece. However they control a good many people who have their own odd ways.

Kralorela: Something like the Tang Dynasty. No Confucianism tho - it's theology is probably more like Tibetan Lamanism.

Orlanthi: Viking-Celts mixture.

Praxians: quasi-American Indians.

Pentans: Think Attila the Hun.

Seshnela: Evil Papistry as condemned by John Calvin and Martin


Ralios: Medieval - Early Renaissance Italian city-states.

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