amusing if you've been reading these for a long time...

From: Steve Lieb <>
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 18:58:30 -0500

>Don't forget that the Malkioni see the hero plane as a place of Platonic
>ideals, not as an action adventure like you Theyalans do. Thus proving that
>Glorantha is in fact a world of math.
>David Dunham <>

Or to go further, as a place of mathematical primary forms, which is obvious since from here, I can plainly see that: David is a cone.
Alex is a cube.
Peter is a plane.
Brian is clearly a spiky star-shape. Or perhaps a pair of skew lines. Simon is a sphere.
And Nick is a point.

Greg's some wierd N-dimensional shape that shows up at different times as a circle, a torus, or a twisted donut.

It was funny to me, anyway. Maybe you had to spend too much time in Math at school.

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