Re : Return to Chaos

From: Simon Hibbs <>
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 1999 17:38:49 +0100

Sir Alisander :

>As Nature is the defined by the actions of Arachne Solara and Arachne
>Solara's defining Quest is the Ritual of the Net, we may conclude that:
>Proposition: Nature is defined by the Great Compromise.

Which renders creation as it was before the compromise unnatural by definition. Including Arachne Solara, who was the Goddess of Nature from the very beginning. The Compromise did not create Nature, it created Time.

> Chaos is in fact the driving, creative force of Nature. Order, as embodied
>by the culture-defining Gods, represents stagnation, for it is forever fixed
>by the Compromise. The driving myth of many cultures is about the battle
>between its main Hero and Chaos. The former tries to keep things as they
>are, the latter tries to change them. Thus the World Machine moves on
>(although a Dwarf would never put it this way)...

Heroes of order and stability such as :

Umath, who ripped apart heaven and earth to make a place for himself.

Humakt, bringer of death and mortality to the previously eternal and immortal world.

Orlanth, murderer of the emperor of the universe who almost destroyed everything.

Larnste, God of Change who scattered the seeds of the mountains.

Trickster - need I even begin?

You kind of have a point post-compromise, but these gods all existed pre-compromise (as did chaos) and were anything but champions of order and stability.

I sugest you try reading the articles on Chaos on the website.

Simon Hibbs

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