Tickler, Demon of Annoyance

From: Steve Lieb <styopa_at_iname.com>
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1999 11:37:17 -0500

When Storm Bull was fighting Wakboth, the Devil in his desperation created a spirit to try to distract the Storm God from his skillful pursuit.

Thus was born Tickler, Demon Spirit of Annoyance, Spite, and Argument.

Taking the shape of a large blackfly, Tickler immediately flew at Storm Bull, attacking his most private and sacred parts with an irritation and constant annoyance.

This enraged Storm Bull's allies, who sought to comfort their Lord by hurling pointed barbs at Tickler, unfortunately these barbs were so convoluted they rarely flew true.

Tickler laughed as the errant bolts either struck each other (knocking both to the ground) or missed him completely (headed for another point entirely) and themselves ended by lodging in selfsame sensitive parts.

Storm Bull was not deterred by Tickler's assault, and drove him off by repeated dust rubbing. (Which explains why herd beasts to this day succeed at cleansing themselves with dust baths.)

Yet Tickler, driven from his chosen prey, remained in existence, and has since taken great delight in Glorantha by his knack of being the source of controversy and argument, frequently making his victims forget all reason in their attempts to quash what is otherwise a relatively insignificant (and certainly not intrinsically HARMFUL) annoyance.

His presence is manifest by a great cloud of black flies, which appear to delight in landing especially on Sacred Cows - making him a most hated entity among the Sartar Clans, er, Tribes, er, Families.

He is also believed to be invoked wherever there is a great commotion over little,or where there is a lot light but an absence of heat.

His influence has even extended to the vegetable world, where he is seen most clearly in the nature of burdocks - a spiky star shape that seems to annoy fixed-INT creatures specifically.

- -Steve Lieb

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