Re: Henotheistic worship

From: David Dunham <>
Date: Sat, 1 May 1999 20:52:46 -0700

Alex asked

> > Greg has indicated that to
> > venerate a God directly yields nothing. Henotheists are forced to
> > anthromorphise their gods somewhat which screws up both their divine
> > and malkioni magic somewhat (which is why Safelster is a backwater).

> Do Henotheists simply euhemerise their gods, and use 'pure Veneration'
> on them, or do they (at least in part) use more theistic practices
> in worshipping 'em? (My guess would be YHMV.)

It's my understanding that henotheists make sacrifices to deities, because that's the one of the approaches that works with deities. (Another being the domination used by many God Learners, but that's out of fashion these days.) Veneration, which works with the Invisible God, has no effect with pagan gods (although it does with saints).

The magical weakness of henotheists is that they have to learn and practice two incompatible styles of worship. (Of course, they are compensated by the flexibility of access both to pagan gods and the Invisible God.)

David Dunham <> Glorantha/RQ page: <> Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein

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