Geocities legalities redux

From: Jon S Green <>
Date: Fri, 09 Jul 1999 15:10:19 GMT

"Nikk Effingham" <> wrote:

> I know this is off topic, but as I already know many people who have
> considered, or are considering, moving their pages from Geocities because
> the statements put forwards across the internet, I thought I should try
> clear up the situation.

I'll be brief, because -- as you say -- this is off-topic. The original conditions posted were worded differently, and heinously. I mailed Yahoo's copyright department about it, and got a longish reply (which I won't repeat here) which basically disavowed any intent to claim intellectual property ownership. If anyone here wants me to forward that message to them, I'd be glad to do so. It's a legally useful 'cos Harlequin's in Receivership, and who'll own it by Monday is anyone's guess, so I can't guarantee the Harlequin email address will remain valid.

Jon (back to lurking, waiting and worrying)

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