Orlanthi Uroxi.

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_bigfoot.com>
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 19:59:15 +1200

Stephen Royle:

>Just a thought, how do Stormbulls live in Orlanthi society?

In a state of constant intoxication.

>Where does their food/income come from. Are they supported by the Clan or

Depends on who employs them. Most Orlanthi Stormbulls are fulltime huscarls IMO.

There are brotherhoods of Stormbullies around in Sartar. Tonaling Greathelm had about 100-150 warriors during Starbrow's revolt and made a living as mercenaries (although KoS states they were sick of hiding in the hills with chaos headaches). KoS states that he renounced his clan to join Storm Bull, but he may have just been outlawed and joined the PolJoni.

>Do they have their own land, which is farmed by others, sounds doubtful.


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