Paps 831

From: Peter Metcalfe <>
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 21:07:52 +1200

Keith Nellist:

>Obduran the Flyer - top EWFer - I'm not certain for dates on these.

Probably active well in the previous century. He's chiefly responsible for reconciling Orlanth worship with Draconism. Since the EWF has been active since 578 ST, troubles with the Traditionalists would have broken out in the 600s. Since he solves these problems and ends up in the council (but was not Numero Uno AFAIK), I think he will be one with the Cosmic Dragon by now.

>Balarzak Leatherwing - EWFer entered Dorastor but died, with all his
>companions with blood bubbling from their lungs in 827. Still, that's only
>from one reference, it could be wrong. (three years after their escape from
>Dorastor in 824)

He's dead, Jim.

>Labrygon; Mr Puzzle Canal. I assume that he is a Godlearner Magician,
>perhaps in the Reformed Sorcerors Alliance. Probably something to do
>with the Battle of Tanien's Victory? A demi-god priest from the time
>of the Empire of Wyrm's friends.

I doubt strongly that he is a God Learner. The Tanian's magic in the puzzle canal would have been left over from Robcradle.

>Delecti, a young student of the EWF?

He became Magus eight centuries ago, according to the Genertela book which is around about now. So he's definitely not young. Also I don't think he studies EWF magics.

You left out Arinsor Clearmind. He doesn't settle in Prax until some years later but he could be an aspiring Sun Dragon hero active around this time.

Isgandrang Dragonspeaker might be alive. He's noted for enslaving the EWF in 889 ST, and could have been responsible for the formation of the Third Council in 826 ST.


>Pavis - the one (?) and only (??) Faceless Statue animating half elf
>dwarf friend.

>Flintnail - Mostali manicurist.

Also Isidilian the Wise.


>Waha - wounded by Pavis and Varajiia. Probably an incarnated Kahn.

Makes no difference whether he's incarnated or not. He's still Waha. IMO Varajia is probably trying to make him sign the Great Compromise so that he can't cause trouble in the future.

[Carmanians & Dara Happans]

Shahs and Emperors would not be there IMO.


>Alakoring Dragonbreaker - Orlanthi Hero. Definitely not present at the
>Paps, but is he alive?

Last time I spoke to Jeff about this, we seemed to agree that his epic war against the EWF took place in the early tenth century.


>Hachrat Blowhard: Orlanthi Troll friend.

He's not. He's actually a Troll that worshipped Orlanth.


>Kowyimi Impala Hater - 2nd Age Thanatari Hero of Prax, perverted and evil

Where's this from?

You missed Godounya: Drop-out of one of the sagely schools and exiled belt buckle salesman.

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