Orlanthi burial

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_bigfoot.com>
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 20:23:23 +1200

Rob Marcus:

>Has anyone out there looked into Orlanthi burial customs in any depth
>at all?

Cults of Prax states Cremation and KoS p44 "The Graves of the Makers" appears to confirm this. Four Kings were cremated, one buried (he had an association with dwarves), one preserved on a pyre and the other two were never found.

>I recall reading something a while back about Ty Kora Tek priestess
>all being mad old women, is this correct? Being a widow who lives
>in a cave can't do much for your sanity,I suppose.

Yes. One can only be initiated into Ty Kora Tek if one is a woman beyond childbearing age.

>IMG I have assumed that Orlanthi are buried "in the sky" a la American
>Indians according to the westerns. I also understand that they may be
>cremated - perhaps a combination of the two on a raised platform? On the
>roof of the air temple?

The raised platform/pyre is used by the Grazers and Air Temples have no roofs.

>Also, are their any earth cults that men may join without losing face?

Barntar for the Orlanthi and Lodril for the Pelorians.

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