
From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_bigfoot.com>
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 11:28:23 +1300

Andre Jarosch:

>Dinosaurs are Dragonewts that failed on their way to become a real dragon.

>If it is so, why arenīt there any Dinosaurs in Kralorela?

I think there are dinosaurs in Fanzai, the Dragon Isle, and any Dragonewts that go dino on Hum Chang are quickly corrected by the local Kralori without too much fuss.

>Why are there Dinosaurs in Slontos without being Dragonewts there?

Ryzel is a Dragonewt Nest in Slontos although it is rather far from the Trachodon Marsh where Magisaurs dwell in plenty. I think it's caused by some newtlings attempting to create their own draconic nest and stuffing up spectacularly in the process.

As for Slon and much of Pamaltela, it should be remembered that dino-newts can breed ordinary dinosaurs. Hence the God Learner belief that the "...the profusion of dinosaurs in Pamaltela, is due to the Gods War when the dragonewts were exterminated leaving behind only their distant kin".

End of The Glorantha Digest V7 #115

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