Re: Hero Wars format; Issaries

From: David Dunham <>
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 21:22:19 -0800

Norbert Franz asked

> At least HW is going to be in a sturdy paperback format, isn't it?
> (If it is about the size of "King of Sartar" I won't mind, really

I'm not sure of the page count, but my understanding is that Hero Wars will be the same size pages as King of Sartar. (It's too bad it can't be the size of the Meints Index to Glorantha vol. II, but supposedly the KoS size is more retailer-friendly.)

Paul McDonald wrote

> This may not be the place for this, but I just wanted to chime in to say how
> grateful I am to David and Co. for putting out a damn fine game.
> ... It really is
> a wonderful window into Glorantha, which is something that I and my
> newbie players needed

I think it's a fine place for it, though not as good as more public forums :-) I'm especially pleased to hear it's good for newbies -- the more people it can introduce to Glorantha, the better!

Andrew E. Larsen asked about Issaries myths.

I don't think I've posted the summary of the myth from King of Dragon Pass (written by Robin D. Laws):

Issaries The Conciliator
During the Great Darkness, Issaries starts the world back on the road to order and good trading by journeying to a distant place and bringing peace to two warring peoples, the Long-Noses and the Big-Teeth.

(In the game you will learn the full version of the myth, so I won't post it here.)

David Dunham <> Glorantha/RQ page: <> Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein

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