Re: What the Gods Don't Know

Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 04:57:36 EST

Andrew Larson:

<< The major exception to this is that they are unaware of what happens within a consecrated holy spot of any other diety. Thus Yelm cannot 'see' into an open-air temple of Orlanth, and neither can see into an Issaries market.>>

     Certainly they have less power there, especially when we're talking about the holy place's image on the God Plane (or equivalent, should you be a shaman or sorceror). I'm not so sure that Orlanth can't see what goes on in an Issaries market though, at least to some extent; Issaries is a member of his own pantheon, after all.

<< This does make Yelm, Orlanth, Ernalda, Xentha, and a few other dieties quite knowledgeable, but then that's part of why they're so powerful.

     Xentha is not a particularly powerful deity though; she has few worshippers and her magic is limited by comparison with 'typical' deities, never mind the likes of Orlanth and Ernalda.

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