Pavis Road

From: Ian Thomson <>
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 1999 02:26:57 +1100

Andrew (aka Winnie the Pooh?):
"I find it hard to believe that the Pavis Road is anything but a dirt
road trodden flat by the feet & hooves of the caravans."
"The highway between Adelaide & Perth was a 2 lane dirt road up until
1973 at least."

In my game I've said that the Pavis Road was built 'on top of the old Tarsh caravan trail', which I took to be the same trail that original Pavisites used to travel to and from Dragon Pass, and eventually ended in Tarsh, the other side of Snakepipe Hollow

I do tend to disagree with other Ian's idea that it is currently just a trail. Having lived most of my life in Britain where bits of Roman Roads are still walkable after well over 1.5 thousand years, I see no problem in the Lunar Government enforcing that a reasonable decent road be built.

From Roman History at UNI (and only comparing Lunars and Romans in the sense of building roads) it was -essential- that good roads were built, to resupply and move armies. Without the roads invasions and occupations were crippled from the word go!

Certainly it makes sense that the road is not so large or as well-maintained as the paperwork in Glamour might indicate. Also, since the abandonment of Prax as a route to the sea (in 1619 with the invasion of Heortland?) the maintenance on the road would drop. I still think that the road would have been swiftly and well built by the Lunars in the 1-3 years immediately after the invasion of Prax, when their plans to reach the sea were still bouyant (he heh!) :), and they envisaged immense traffic use.

Good roads are the arteries of an empire (school history this time I think)

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