Rule 4

From: David Cake <>
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 1999 15:01:19 +0800

>Query: is it anonymous posting if you use only a partial name? Also, why
>is it OK for Terra Incognita and others to post using pseudonyms? Are AOL
>(a/k/a the world's largest anonymous remailer) usernames OK?

        I think the principle (after some clarifying discussion) was not 'always post using your real name' but 'post using a name and address that are meaningful online'. Ie posting using the same psuedonym consistently and regularly participating under that name is fine. Adopting a pseudonym purely to post something that you do not want to be associated with personally is not.

        I have no idea of TTrotskys real name, for example. But he is known by that name, consistently posts under it, and as far as taking responsibility for his posts, all I have is an email address anyway - it doesn't really matter whether that email address is obviously related to whatever name would be on his drivers licence.

>It seems that
>the new rule 4 arose because someone with the power to adopt new rules
>disliked something posted anonymously. Now that some time has passed since
>that incident, perhaps we should have re-consideration of the need for that

        There was a particular incident. That demonstrated that there was a need for that rule, even if the need was fairly rare. OK, so the rule is unenforceable. But at least we all know the rules.



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